Evaluating Generative AI for Legal Research: A Benchmarking Project

This is a post from multiple authors: Rebecca Fordon (The Ohio State University), Deborah Ginsberg (Harvard Law Library), Sean Harrington (University of Oklahoma), and Christine Park (Harvard Law Library)

In late 2023, several legal research databases and start-up competitors announced their versions of ChatGPT-like products, each professing that theirs would be the latest and greatest. Since then, law librarians have evaluated and tested these products ad hoc, offering meaningful anecdotal evidence of their experience, much of which can be found on this blog and others. However, one-time evaluations can be time-consuming and inconsistent across the board. Certain tools might work better for particular tasks or subject matters than others, and coming up with different test questions and tasks takes time that many librarians might not have in their daily schedules.

It is difficult to test Large-Language Models (LLMs) without back-end access to run evaluations. So to test the abilities of these products, librarians can use prompt engineering to figure out how to get desired results (controlling statutes, key cases, drafts of a memo, etc.). Some models are more successful than others at achieving specific results. However, as these models update and change, evaluations of their efficacy can change as well. Therefore, we plan to propose a typology of legal research tasks based on existing computer and information science scholarship and draft corresponding questions using the typology, with rubrics others can use to score the tools they use.

Although we ultimately plan to develop this project into an academic paper, we share here to solicit thoughts about our approach and connect with librarians who may have research problem samples to share.

Difficulty of Evaluating LLMs

Let’s break down some of the tough challenges with evaluating LLMs, particularly when it comes to their use in the legal field. First off, there’s this overarching issue of transparency—or rather, the lack thereof. We often hear about the “black box” nature of these models: you toss in your data, and a result pops out, but what happens in between remains a mystery. Open-source models allow us to leverage tools to quantify things like retrieval accuracy, text generation precision, and semantic similarity. We are unlikely to get the back-end access we need to perform these evaluations. Even if we did, the layers of advanced prompting and the combination of tools employed by vendors behind the scenes could render these evaluations essentially useless.

Even considering only the underlying models (e.g., GPT4 vs Claude), there is no standardized method to evaluate the performance of LLMs across different platforms, leading to inconsistencies. Many different leaderboards evaluate the performance of LLMs in various ways (frequently based on specific subtasks). This is kind of like trying to grade essays from unrelated classes without a rubric—what’s top-notch in one context might not cut it in another. As these technologies evolve, keeping our benchmarks up-to-date and relevant is becoming an ongoing challenge, and without uniform standards, comparing one LLM’s performance to another can feel like comparing apples to oranges.

Then there’s the psychological angle—our human biases. Paul Callister’s work sheds light on this by discussing how cognitive biases can lead us to over-rely on AI, sometimes without questioning its efficacy for our specific needs. Combine this with the output-based evaluation approach, and we’re setting ourselves up for potentially frustrating misunderstandings and errors. The bottom line is that we need some sort of framework for the average user to assess the output.

One note on methods of evaluation: just before publishing this blog post, we learned of a new study from a group of researchers at Stanford, testing the claims of legal research vendors that their retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) products are “hallucination-free.” The group created a benchmarking dataset of 202 queries, many of which were chosen for their likelihood of producing hallucinations. (For example, jurisdiction/time-specific and treatment questions were vulnerable to RAG-induced hallucinations, whereas false premise and factual recall questions were known to induce hallucinations in LLMs without RAG.) The researchers also proposed a unique way of scoring responses to measure hallucinations, as well as a typology of hallucinations. While this is an important advance in the field and provides a way to continue to test for hallucinations in legal research products, we believe hallucinations are not the only weakness in such tools. Our work aims to focus on the concrete applications of these LLMs and probe into the unique weaknesses and strengths of these tools. 

The Current State of Prompt Engineering

Since the major AI products were released without a manual, we’ve all had to figure out how to use these tools from scratch. The best tool we have so far is prompt engineering. Over time, users have refined various templates to better organize questions and leverage some of the more surprising ways that AI works.

As it turns out, many of the prompt templates, tips, and tricks we use with the general commercial LLMs don’t carry over well into the legal AI sphere, at least with the commercial databases we have access to. For example, because the legal AIs we’ve tested so far won’t ask you questions, researchers may not be able to have extensive conversations with the AI (or any conversation for some of them). So that means we must devise new types of prompts that will work in the legal AI sphere, and possibly work only in the AI sphere.

We should be able to easily design effective prompts because the data set the AIs use is limited. But it’s not always clear exactly what sources the AI is using. Some databases may list how many cases they have for a certain court by year; others may say “selected cases before 1980” without explaining how they were selected. And even when the databases provide coverage, it may not be clear exactly which of those materials the AI can access.

We still need to determine what prompt templates will be most effective across legal databases. More testing is needed. However, we are limited to the specific databases we can access. While most (all?) academic law librarians have access to Lexis+ AI, Westlaw has yet to release its research product to academics. 

Developing a Task Typology

Many of us may have the intuition that there are some legal research tasks for which generative AI tools are more helpful than others. For example, we may find that generative AI is great for getting a working sense of a topic, but not as great for synthesizing a rule from multiple sources. But if we wanted to test that intuition and measure how well AI performed on different tasks, we would need to first define those tasks. This is similar, by the way, to how the LegalBench project approached benchmarking legal analysis—they atomized the IRAC process for legal analysis down to component tasks that they could then measure.

After looking at the legal research literature (in particular Paul Callister’s “problem typing” schemata and AALL’s Principles and Standards for Legal Research Competency), we are beginning to assemble a list of tasks for which legal researchers might use generative AI. We will then group these tasks according to where they fall in an information retrieval schemata for search, following Marchionini (2006) & White (2024), into Find tasks (which require a simple lookup), Learn & Investigate tasks (which require sifting through results, determining relevance, and following threads), and Create, Synthesize, and Summarize tasks (a new type of task for which generative AI is well-suited).

Notably, a single legal research project may contain multiple tasks. Here are a few sample projects applying a preliminary typology:

Again, we may have an initial intuition that generative AI legal research platforms, as they exist today, are not particularly helpful for some of these subtasks. For example, Lexis+AI currently cannot retrieve (let alone analyze) all citing references to a particular case. Nor could we necessarily be certain from, say, CoCounsel’s output, that it contained all cases on point. Part of the problem is that we cannot tell which tasks the platforms are performing, or the data that they have included or excluded in generating their responses. By breaking down problems into their component tasks, and assessing competency on both the whole problem and the tasks, we hope to test our intuitions.

Future Research

We plan on continually testing these LLMs using the framework we develop to identify which tasks are suitable for AIs and which are not. Additionally, we will draft questions and provide rubrics for others to use, so that they can grade AI tools. We believe that other legal AI users will find value in this framework and rubric. 

Leapfrogging the Competition: Claude 3 Researches and Writes Memos (Better Than Some Law Students and Maybe Even Some Lawyers?)


I’ve been incredibly excited about the premium version of Claude 3 since its release on March 4, 2024, and for good reason. Now that my previous favorite chatty chatbot, ChatGPT-4, has gone off the rails, I was missing a competent chatbot… I signed up the second I heard on March 4th, and it has been a pleasure to use Claude 3 ever since. It actually understands my prompts and usually provides me with impressive answers. Anthropic, maker of the Claude chatty chatbot family, has been touting Claude’s accomplishments of supposedly beating its competitors on common chatbot benchmarks, and commentators on the Internet have been singing its praises. Just last week, I was so impressed by its ability to analyze information in news stories in uploaded files that I wrote a LinkedIn post also singing its praises!

Hesitation After Previous Struggles

Despite my high hopes for its legal research abilities after experimenting with it last week, I was hesitant to test Claude 3. I have a rule about intentionally irritating myself—if I’m not already irritated, I don’t go looking for irritation… Over the past several weeks, I’ve wasted countless hours trying to improve the legal research capabilities of ChatGPT-3.5, ChatGPT-4, Microsoft Copilot, and my legal research/memo writing GPTs through the magic of (IMHO) clever prompting and repetition. Sadly, I failed miserably and concluded that either ChatGPT-4 was suffering from some form of robotic dementia, or I am. The process was a frustrating waste, and I knew that Claude 3 doing a bad job of legal research too could send me over the edge….

Claude 3’s Wrote a Pretty Good Legal Memorandum!

Luckily for me, when I finally got up the nerve to test out the abilities of Claude 3, I found that the internet hype was not overstated. Somehow, Claude 3 has suddenly leapfrogged over its competitors in legal research/legal analysis/legal memo writing ability – it instantly did what would have taken a skilled researcher over an hour and produced a better legal memorandum which is probably better than that produced by many law students and even some lawyers. Check it out for yourself! Unless this link actually works for any Claude 3 subscribers out there, there doesn’t seem to be a way to actually link to a Claude 3 chat at this time. However, click here for the whole chat I cut and pasted into a Google Drive document, here for a very long screenshot image of the chat, or here for the final 1,446-word version of the memo as a Word document.

Comparing Claude 3 with Other Systems

Back to my story… The students’ research assignment for the last class was to think of some prompts and compare the results of ChatGPT-3.5, Lexis+ AI, Microsoft Copilot, and a system of their choice. Claude 3 did not exist at the time, but I told them not to try the free Claude product because I had canceled my $20.00 subscription to the Claude 2 product in January 2024 due to its inability to provide useful answers – all it would say was that it was unethical to answer every question and tell me to do it myself. When creating an answer sheet before class tomorrow which compares the same set of prompts on different systems, I decided to omit Lexis+ AI (because I find it useless) and to include my new fav Claude 3 in my comparison spreadsheet. Check it out to compare for yourself!

For the research part of the assignment, all systems were given a fact pattern and asked to “Please analyze this issue and then list and summarize the relevant Texas statutes and cases on the issue.” While the other systems either made up cases or produced just two or three actual real and correctly cited cases on the research topic, Claude 3 stood out by generating 7 real, relevant cases with correct citations in response to the legal research question. (And, it cited to 12 cases in the final version of its memo.)

It did a really good job of analysis too!

Generating a Legal Memorandum

Writing a memo was not part of the class assignment because the ChatGPT family was refusing the last few weeks,* and Bing Copilot had to be tricked into writing one as part of a short story, but after seeing Claude 3’s research/analysis results, I decided to just see what happened. I have many elaborate prompts for ChatGPT-4 and my legal memorandum GPTs, but I recalled reading that Claude 3 worked well with zero-shot prompting and didn’t require much explanation to produce good results. So, I decided to keep my prompt simple – “Please generate a draft of a 1500 word memorandum of law about whether Snurpa is likely to prevail in a suit for false imprisonment against Mallatexaspurses. Please put your citations in Bluebook citation format.”

From my experience last week with Claude 3 (and prior experience with Claude 2 which would actually answer questions), I knew the system wouldn’t give me as long an answer as requested. The first attempt yielded a pretty high-quality 735-word draft memo that cited all real cases with the correct citations*** and applied the law to the facts in a well-organized Discussion section. I asked it to expand the memo two more times, and it finally produced a 1,446-word document. Here is part of the Discussion section…

Implications for My Teaching

I’m thrilled about this great leap forward in legal research and writing, and I’m excited to share this information with my legal research students tomorrow in our last meeting of the semester. This is particularly important because I did such a poor job illustrating how these systems could be helpful for legal research when all the compared systems were producing inadequate results.

However, with my administrative law legal research class starting tomorrow, I’m not sure how this will affect my teaching going forward. I had my video presentation ready for tomorrow, but now I have to change it! Moreover, if Claude 3 can suddenly do such a good job analyzing a fact pattern, performing legal research, and applying the law to the facts, how does this affect what I am going to teach them this semester?

*Weirdly, the ChatGPT family, perhaps spurred on by competition from Claude 3, agreed to attempt to generate memos today, which it hasn’t done in weeks…

Note: Claude 2 could at one time produce an okay draft of a legal memo if you uploaded the cases for it, that was months ago (Claude 2 link if it works for premium subscribers and Google Drive link of cut and pasted chat). Requests in January resulted in lectures about ethics which resulted in the above-mentioned cancellation.

Is Better Case Law Data Fueling a Legal Research Boom?

Recently, I’ve noticed a surge of new and innovative legal research tools. I wondered what could be fueling this increase, and set off to find out more. 

The Moat

An image generated by DALL-E, depicting a castle made of case law reporters, with sad business children trying to construct their own versions out of pieces of paper. They just look like sand castles.

Historically, acquiring case law data has been a significant challenge, acting as a barrier to newcomers in the legal research market. Established players are often protective of their data. For instance, in an antitrust counterclaim, ROSS Intelligence accused Thomson Reuters of withholding their public law collection, claiming they had to instead resort to purchasing cases piecemeal from sources like Casemaker and Fastcase.  Other companies have taken more extreme measures. For example, Ravel Law partnered with the Harvard Law Library to scan every single opinion in their print reporter collections. There’s also speculation that major vendors might even license some of their materials directly to platforms like Google Scholar, albeit with stringent conditions.

The New Entrants

Despite the historic challenges, several new products have recently emerged offering advanced legal research capabilities:

  • Descrybe.ai (founded 2023) – This platform leverages generative AI to read and summarize judicial opinions, streamlining the search process. Currently hosting around 1.6 million summarized opinions, it’s available for free.
  • Midpage (2022) – Emphasizing the integration of legal research into the writing process, users can employ generative AI to draft documents from selected source (see Nicola Shaver’s short writeup on Midpage here). Midpage is currently free at app.midpage.ai.
  • CoPilot (by LawDroid, founded 2016) – Initially known for creating chatbots, LawDroid introduced CoPilot, a GPT-powered AI legal assistant, in 2023. It offers various tasks, including research, translating, and summarizing. CoPilot is available in beta as a web app and a Chrome extension, and is free for faculty and students.
  • Paxton.ai (2023) – Another generative AI legal assistant, Paxton.ai allows users to conduct legal research, draft documents, and more. Limited free access is available without signup at app.paxton.ai, although case law research will require you to sign up for a free account.
  • Alexi (2017) Originally focused on Canadian law, Alexi provides legal research memos. They’ve recently unveiled their instant memos, powered by generative AI. Alexi is available at alexi.com and provides a free pilot.

Caselaw Access Project and Free Law Project

With the Caselaw Access Project, launched in 2015, Ravel Law and Harvard Law Library changed the game. Through their scanning project, Harvard received rights to the case law data, and Ravel gained an exclusive commercial license for 8 years. (When Lexis acquired Ravel a few years later, they committed to completing the project.) Although the official launch date of free access is February 2024, we are already seeing a free API at Ravel Law (as reported by Sarah Glassmeyer).

Caselaw Access Project data is only current through 2020 (scanning was completed in 2018, and has been supplemented by Fastcase donations through 2020) and does not include digital-first opinions. However, this gap is mostly filled through CourtListener, which contains a quite complete set of state and federal appellate opinions for recent years, painstakingly built through their network of web scrapers and direct publishing agreements. CourtListener offers an API (along with other options for bulk data use).

And indeed, Caselaw Access Project and Free Law Project just recently announced a dataset called Collaborative Open Legal Data (COLD) – Cases. COLD Cases is a dataset of 8.3 million United States legal decisions with text and metadata, suitable for use in machine learning and natural language processing projects.

Most of the legal research products I mentioned above do not disclose their precise source of their case law data. However, both Descrybe.ai and Midpage point to CourtListener as a partner. My theory/opinion is that many of the others may be using this data as well, and that these new, more reliable and more complete sources of data are responsible for fueling some amazing innovation in the legal research sphere.

What Holes Remain?

Reviewing the coverage of CourtListener and Caselaw Access Project it appears to me that they have, when combined:

  • 100% of all published U.S. case law from 2018 and earlier (state and federal)
  • 100% of all U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and state appellate court cases

There are, nevertheless, still a few holes that remain in the coverage:

  • Newer Reporter Citations. Newer appellate court decisions may not have reporter citations within CourtListener. These may be supplemented as Fastcase donates cases to Caselaw Access Project.
  • Newer Federal District Court Opinions. Although CourtListener collects federal decisions marked as “opinions” within PACER, these decisions are not yet available in their opinion search. Therefore, very few federal district court cases are available for the past 3-4 years. This functionality will likely be added, but even when it is, district courts are inconsistent about marking decisions as “opinions” and so not all federal district court opinions will make their way to CourtListener’s opinions database. To me, this brings into sharp relief the failure of federal courts to comply with the 2002 E-Government Act, which requires federal courts to provide online access to all written opinions.
  • State Trial Court Decisions. Some other legal research providers include state court trial-level decisions. These are generally not published on freely available websites (so CourtListener cannot scrape them) and are also typically not published in print reporters (so Caselaw Access Project could not scan them).
  • Tribal Law. Even the major vendors have patchy access to tribal law, and CourtListener has holes here as well.

The Elephant in the Room

Of course, another major factor in the increase in legal research tools may be simple economics. In August, Thomson Reuters acquired the legal research provider Casetext for the eye-watering sum of $650 million.  And Casetext itself is a newer legal research provider, founded only in 2013. In interviews, Thomson Reuters cited Casetext’s access to domain-specific legal authority, as well as its early access to GPT-4, as key to its success. 

What’s Next?

Both Courtlistener and Caselaw Acess Project have big plans for continuing to increase access to case law. CAP will launch free API access in February 2024, coordinating with LexisNexis, Fastcase, and the Free Law Project on the launch. CourtListener is planning a scanning project to fix remaining gaps in their coverage (CourtListener’s Mike Lissner tells me they are interested in speaking to law librarians about this – please reach out). And I’m sure we can expect to see additional legal research tools, and potentially entire LLMs (hopefully open source!), trained on this legal data.

Know of anything else I didn’t discuss? Let me know in the comments, or find me on social media or email.